Monday, November 02, 2015


The really, really big questions? Unanswerable. That's funny. Human. 

For instance: Ultimate Meaning, Purpose, Life, The Universe, Spirit. 

We can all hazard guesses. We can swear we know the answers. We can cling to theories. Pound on books of wisdom. Follow the thought-trains of other smart folks.

But really, finally, totally the big ones are Unanswerable. We get to ask the questions. And maybe that's all we really get. And we get to figure out how to live without really knowing.

We live with uncertainty. Mystery. We just don't know. Even if we really do want to know. And we will probably never really, really know the fundamental things we don't know.

So we live with that knowledge. The knowledge that our knowledge is quite inadequate, unsatisfactory, partial. And we deal.