Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We Live in Faux Times!

I didn't watch the "debate" last night. I read a little bit about it this morning. I am for any of the folks on the stage last night. Any one of them, no doubt, would be better for our country than anyone in the Republican Party. That's easy!

But pretty sure, it wasn't really a debate in the real sense, a "formal discussion," in public. No instead it was most assuredly another "faux" event. You know "artificial, fake, an imitation." We live in faux times. So much of our lives are filled with the fake, the artificial, the imitation.

We gin up events. Companies. Business models. Entertainments. If we fill ourselves up with enough fake stuff, will the fake fool us into thinking it is the real stuff of the world? Yes. I think so. We embrace the fake, we love the artificial, we fall for, and hold dear, the imitation.

When we bump into something real, something genuine, something heartfelt it's kind of scary. Sort of homely and odd. Seems less colorful, less lively and less attractive than the faux.