Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Can I wax philosophically? Yes, I can. Check out the definition for wax, and you will find it is quite the pliable, useful and multi-meaning word. 

Life. Been thinking about it. Living it too. I am now older than I ever thought I would be. I mean I come from the generation, or maybe a bit behind the generation, that declared, "hope I die, before I get old."

I actually never really "hoped to die," but there were a few decades where I lived a bit recklessly. Mindlessly. And I am pretty amazed, and pleased, that I emerged relatively unscathed.

"Where does the time go?" 

That's a good one. I have spent lots of my life trying to figure out life, and I'm pretty sure that was a fool's errand. There is no figuring. There is just life. And you just live it. That's it. And time goes by. It flies by. It's hard to account for all the days, all the hours, all the minutes in the hours that I have lived. And that's not really my thing.

I try my best to live now. In the moment. As they tell us, all we really have is now. So not a lot of original wisdom to be found here. And maybe that's my best insight. All the old wisdom is also all the new wisdom.  Love. Live lightly, and humbly. 

I have grown to love "consciousness." Clarity. It is such an amazing gift. I wonder about death. Don't really know what it is.  I don't exactly fear it. But I do worry that it's gonna be boring. Hope not. And hope it takes it time getting to me.  I still have some living to do.