Friday, October 23, 2015

Hillary Clinton Will Be President!

The Republicans formed the "Benghazi" investigative committee to use as a tool to bring down Hillary Clinton. Funny. Didn't work. Instead, I agree with this Vox article - watch a little bit of the hearing and you will come to the conclusion that Hillary will make a really great President. 

After millions of dollars and hours, and blather, and hot air, we find out that Hillary did receive and send emails while she was Secretary of State! Wow!

I have no crystal ball. I know long-term political prognostication is a mug's game, but I am a "political junkie," and I do believe Hillary Clinton will be our first Woman President. And I do think it will be a good, no, it will be an essential thing. If I have any hope in the political system it comes from the actions of a few key individuals. Obama. Hillary. Sometimes the outcome of history rides on the shoulders of one person. Funny.