Saturday, October 03, 2015

Finally Words Fail?

Words. They have gotten me into trouble. Sometimes really deep trouble. I have learned you must be careful what you say, what you write down. Everything can and will be used against you. Words. They have also totally empowered me. I love to talk, and to write. I do think words have been a sort of personal salvation. I have been lucky to easily tap into the flow. Not everything I say or write is important, intelligent, or necessary, but having the ability to reach for a word has been a life's work, and a life's pleasure too.

Sometimes I wonder if aging is just the inevitable running down of energy of "imagining the universe?" We are in dialogue, in a dance with this large, unwieldy beast. We bring our minds, our bodies to the task, but there is only so much energy and imagination we can draw upon. Finally words fail? And when they fail, the game is over? Don't know...