Tuesday, October 06, 2015

A Poorly Constructed Thing!

Words. Hurled like daggers. It is amazing how deep they can cut. A key word, slipped in at the right time, can be deadly. Funny. Surprising. And you think you can hold onto your "dignity," some sense of respect, or nobility, or worthiness, but no, every last shred of dignity will be ripped from you. And it's surprising how easily it can be done. So yes, that dignity you'd like to cling to is a flimsy thing. 

So. What's left? A sense of the "absurd." But maybe this sense of the "laughably foolish" can be a positive state? Accept the irrational. Swim in the sea of meaninglessness. Embrace it. Thrive in it. Face up to it. And don't cling to anything but the absurdity of your being. Accept that you are a silly entity. Irrational. A poorly constructed thing. Go with that...