Sunday, August 16, 2015

Our Show @ Abbie Fest

Last night at Abbie Fest Day Two, as Black Forest, we did our performance piece entitled "and now..." a nice open-ended title. Left us the ability to do whatever we wanted to do. Which is our strength. We do what we want to do when we want to do it. No commercial concerns. No doubts or worries. It took us a long time to get there. 

Maybe "no doubts or worries" isn't quite right, a little too strong. Of course we have doubts - can we do the work to the best of our ability, remember our lines, bring emotion and honesty to the moment?

Worries too - will our cast and crew turn up on time, will my guitar stay in tune, can my partner sing and vocalize even as she's battling a cold? Will anyone be there to listen and take in our performance?

Pretty much "yes" on all counts. 

We went for an honesty, a genuineness, a certain heartfelt beauty in our performance. It all seemed to work and connect. And lots of the old-timers and performers that we know and respect responded enthusiastically.

Very, very satisfying.