Monday, August 24, 2015

Derogatis Calls out Dr. Dre for a Life-Time of Misogyny!

Dr. Dre has an Ike Turner problem: famous musical legends who enjoy beating on women.  I am so pleased that Jim Derogatis of Sound Opinions takes Dre to task for his "disgusting" misogyny.  It is surprising how many people just want to look away. Derogatis truly is a "critic" or music appreciator with heart and integrity. He's not just a business shill or cheerleader. Glad he isn't afraid to speak up against the vileness.

Dr. Dre is a billionaire, a mogul, a key figure in Apple Music. You'd think his past of beating women, might make him a little more circumspect about singing about beating women now, but I guess that is not the case. Misogyny is just part of his tired schtick.

And it's a money winner!

And what of the "Straight Outta Compton" biopic? Derogatis tells us it's "the lamest kind of gloss-over!"

And well, at least Derogatis has always been consistent. Here he is on the original album release in 1991: 

“This is an album of hate-filled songs that glorify gang rape and beating women to death, an album so nihilistic that its lyrics brag about making money from these topics. It’s the most vile, rancid, festering pile of crap I’ve heard in my life. It is also one of the top-selling albums in America for the third week in a row.”