Change. It seems so slow. That's an illusion for sure. Change isn't an illusion, the slowness of change is an illusion.
I'm beginning to think (this came to me slowly) that change is so fast, so small, so incremental, and so all-inclusive, that it's almost invisible to our senses.
Everything is always changing, right? But it's not noticeable, or it is noticeable, but we don't notice it. Our cells are changing, every microscopic particle is in a state of change.
And everything else? Yep, changing too. In a million ways. Every moment. The changing nature of everything is so deep and complete, it's not even all that interesting. Much less perceptible.
Then, one day dawns, you wake up, and you realize everything is different. And has been for a long time, I mean, it has been changing all the time.
You are changed, the world too. And just as you register that reality, you and it, have already moved on from that moment too.