Thursday, July 16, 2015

Trump - The Vapidly Smirking Id of America!

The next election for President isn't until November 2016. That's right. You are already sick of the campaign, right? A long way to go.

And right now the "front-runner" on the Republican side is Trump. Yep. That loud-mouth, racist, no-nothing, billionaire is front and center, and lots of the Republican voters are cheering him on.

You think it's a joke right?! It is. And it's not. 

Trump really is the smirking Id of our culture. A narcissistic, preening, pompous blow-hard. What he says pretty much makes no sense. He really has no coherent ideas, but he can generate lots of hot-air. He has lots to say, and our culture of stupid has given him a big megaphone. And really that's perfect for our Empire of Bullshit. Trump is the epitome of bullshit. Bullshit floats, bullshit flies.

You wonder just how his hair exists. And how does this man defy gravity. And rationality. And just how did he accumulate his wealth. His existence proves the point that wealth and intellect have nothing to do with each other. Dare I say it, he makes Bush II seem smart.

I can't really take this guy seriously. I can't believe he will last very long on the campaign trail. Doesn't he have to implode? Blow up like a dirigible? Will that thing on his head get disgusted and get up and leave? Maybe head to Tijuana, Mexico?