Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Doom Demographic!

Harbingers of Failure. The demographic of doom. Customers who are always at the front of the line for products destined to flop. The more they buy, the more failure is assured.

So these would be the folks who listened to Milli Vanilli, MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, drank New Coke, drove an Edsel, and a Corvair, played videos on their Betamax, loved Chevy Chase as a talk-show host, went to the movies to see Howard the Duck, Heaven's Gate, Ishtar, Lone Ranger and John Carter, and all the other movies on this list, voted for McGovern, Romney, Trump, and every other political loser you could name, got a no doc, sub-prime mortgage with no money down, etc.

I'm thinking they have their Apple Watch on right now. And they are streaming songs on Tidal, or maybe listening to music on Neil Young's Pono. Oh yeah, and don't forget they're wearing their Google Glass, surfing on MySpace, recharging their Jet packs, and polishing their virtual reality helmets...

And well, my future prediction of doom & flop, when it opens in theaters, they will all be marching off to Ant Man! "Oh my God, the little guy is coming, secure the picnic basket!"

These are the customers who always, always buy the wrong thing at the wrong price. An extraordinary contingent of doom-bringing beings!