Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Simple Answers to Complicated Questions

I'm not an economist. I read Paul Krugman (famous political progressive) who did win a Nobel Prize for Economics, and I also read Marginal Revolution which seems to look at economics from a "Libertarian" perspective.

That's about it. Not that good with $. Or balancing my checkbook. Almost all my activities, the things I love to do with heart and soul, don't really pay very well. So I guess, it's safe to say that money and I have an arm's length relationship.

So who am I to wade into the Greek Debt Crisis? The Euro thing? Grexit?

Not that qualified. But here goes anyway. I see it as a complicated situation with a simple answer. All my sympathies are with the people of Greece. It's an easy call - the common folk in Greece vs. the Moneylenders?

What would Jesus do? Hah! He'd toss the money-changers from the temple. That's my take too. Give the Greeks a break. Forgive the debt. Give the country a clean start.

The accountants will have move some zeroes around on a spreadsheet. Big deal. Maybe some banks and hedge funds and other financial big-wigs will have to take a hit. So what!?

I value people over money. Every time! Next question?