Monday, June 22, 2015

Taylor Swift Strikes A Blow Against the Empire for All Music Artists!

I'm not a Taylor Swift fan. I mean, I'm not, not a Taylor Swift fan. Just not interested. I wish her the best, although, of course she doesn't need any good vibes from me, she seems to be doing just fine without me.

I don't plan on buying any of her music, but I must applaud her crusade against free music on Spotify. And I am glad that she stood up to Apple Music too, to make sure that artists are paid for their music. Some may say she did this only for herself, but the result is that all artists will benefit, so I say, great work Taylor!

We still buy CD's and vinyl, but we also get the idea that lots and lots of folks prefer to stream music on their iPhones, etc. That is the way of the world. And that's cool, as long as the people who make the music are compensated.

We have some of our music on Spotify and it really is a sad joke. Pennies for many, many plays. Doesn't add up to a hill of beans. Certainly not cool or fair. So I guess if it comes down to a battle between Apple's new streaming service vs. Spotify, count us in on the Apple Music side!