Monday, June 29, 2015

Grumblings from the Dead-Enders!

Reading highlights from Antonin Scalia's dissents on both the Obamacare case and Marriage Equality, was extremely entertaining. What a grumpy, sputtering old white guy! What's really funny, this guy is supposed to be some kind of conservative-thinking heavyweight. He pretty much leads the "Dead-Enders" on the Court - Scalia, Thomas, Alioto, with a strong assist from Roberts.

These guys definitely represent an old world sensibility. Gnashing their teeth, clinging to an old picture of America. A place where the Constitution isn't a living, breathing document, written by human beings, open to adapting to the real world, but instead some kind of sacred, illuminated document that should be read literally, word for word, damn the social, cultural changes that have washed over us over the last couple hundred years.

Except of course, when they are deciding a conservative cause, then, well, interpret away - remember, that is how Bush ended up winning against Gore, that is how they decided that Corporations are people too, and money in politics is "free speech."

It's funny and entertaining to read Scalia - "pure applesauce," "interpretive jiggery-pokery," "Ask a Hippie!" You couldn't imagine a better curmudgeon. Except, of course, it would not have been funny if the cases had gone the other way. And you realize that "Marriage Equality" was affirmed by just one vote.

I think we should give Scalia, and the rest of those unhappy old-timers lawn chairs and Pina Coladas. Let them rail at the kids on the lawn. They can keep their old black robes, but we need some new blood on that court!