Monday, May 04, 2015

We Can Solve the Problem!

Are there some problems that can't be fixed? Like racism? Is it so entrenched in our culture, our psyche, our DNA that it can't be overcome?

I don't think so. 

It may be one of those deep, entrenched problems, which is entwined with poverty and lack of education, and much of society may have stacked the deck between "winners" and "losers," but most of this is "cosmetic." It is not inevitable. 

A change of consciousness can happen in the blink of an eye. If we all admit there is a problem, that it can and should be fixed, that it's in all our interests, that it's best for society to ensure that people are treated equally, to have the same opportunities, to be educated, and to have the common comforts of a decent existence then we all have a common goal.  We can work together to create a better world.

That puts me in the idealistic camp. Still, we can't just wish it to happen. We all have to do our part, and be willing to sacrifice for each other. As the Dali Lama likes to say, we must admit "we are all human beings first!" We are the same. And our differences should be celebrated, they should inspire us, not divide us.