Thursday, May 14, 2015

Progressives and History!

Paul Krugman is right! Again. How often could I write that sentence? Over, and over, and over again.  He is so right, so often, I think people tend to tune him out. A smart Progressive who looks at the evidence and makes his call. He adjusts his economic models and re-thinks things if the evidence is in conflict with his opinions. How refreshing. Look at the world with open eyes. And adjust! How Progressive. How Liberal! How Smart! Yes, changing your mind in the face of overwhelming evidence is not a fault, or failure.

Progressives look to a better future, but they also should remember the past, no reason to let the backward-looking crowd own the past. Being consistently wrong, and clinging dearly to that wrongness is not an admirable quality.

Krugman: "To hear Republican contenders for President unveil their big ideas, which are to slash taxes on rich people, deregulate banks, and bomb or invade countries we don't like. What could go wrong?"

Yeah, right!