Saturday, May 02, 2015

Human Being's Death Wish Realized: AI

You can read Sci-Fi as just forward-thinking entertainment. Or you can read it as a critique of the now, or maybe you can read it as "precognition." Future sight, second sight. Check out Philip K. Dick for a robust body of work that shows how Sci-Fi can be entertainment, critique and future sight.

Are we on the path of building AI, Super- Intelligent Robots, who will then come to the realization that what is best for the survival of the Planet, the Universe, and themselves is that they should exterminate all Human Beings?

Yes. How many Sci-Fi novels and movies show the machines taking over? Starting a war against Human Beings? Is this all just a dread fantasy? Or is there some kind of logical inevitability to the whole scenario? Is that actually Future sight, second sight?

And maybe that's our hidden wish, our secret desire. As we hurtle forward, consuming everything in our path, well past the point of sustainability for the little blue planet we have over-run, maybe we will intentionally build the machines, the AI geniuses that will come to understand that the best way forward for all life, is to eliminate human beings.

That leads us to this morning's burning topic: How Humans Can Keep Super-Intelligent Robots From Murdering Us All.