Friday, April 10, 2015

Protection from the Protectors

Some of us need to be protected from the protectors. Cops have a tough job. No doubt. But there seems to be a pattern. White Cops shooting down Black Suspects. How often does this happen? We don't really know. Turns out Police Departments don't have to track how many times Cops shoot civilians. It's not counted! You'd think that might be a good thing to know.

The latest shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina was pretty disturbing. A man running away from a Cop gets shot 8 times in the back, and falls down dead.  The Cop lied on his police report - said he was threatened and in fear. And you wonder how often that happens. Without the video those who tend to believe the Cop would have probably believed the Cop, and those who tend to believe the victim was probably victimized, would probably have believed the victim was victimized.

Usually we all fall back on our own prejudices.

So glad the Kid took the video on his cell phone, and then turned it over to the victim's family. He almost didn't. He feared for his life, he thought of erasing the video. He did not want to be harassed by the Cops. He is a hero!

Turns out there are new apps for your cell phone to make filming police events even easier. So yes, I guess this is a growing market. And certainly a good use for your cell phone.  Protection from the Protectors.