Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mosaic of Baumbach!

Noah Baumbach. We've seen three of his movies - "The Squid and the Whale," "Frances Ha," and "Margot at the Wedding." We've enjoyed every one of them. Last night we watched "Margot at the Wedding." It has been described as a tragicomedy. I would think it's pretty impossible to describe any of Baumbach's movies. They are human, oh so human: messy, funny, ridiculous. There is intelligence, and belligerence, and insight and stupidity. All mixed up together. Contradictory. Did I say messy? Yes, gloriously messy. Probably not for everyone. I mean, definitely not for everyone, which is a good thing. Recommended. Highly. You might laugh, you might cry, you might be annoyed. It's all part of the messy, beautifully-realized mosaic.