Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Health is a Battle!

Yes, the canine influenza is rampant in Chicago. I have seen this thing in action, first hand. A happy little doggie, running, jumping, full of energy and life, brought totally low by the bug. I watched it all happen over the weekend. And it seemed to overtake the dog in a matter of a few hours. By the end of the day Sunday this dog was wheezing, retching, struggling to breathe. He could just barely drag his sorry ass around from place to place. My friend and I were convinced the dog had been poisoned, but the Vet diagnosed influenza. You must marvel at the power of biology. And sickness. And disease. A body is invaded and the whole character of a being is completely re-engineered. Poor little guy. They gave him antibiotics and re-hydrated him. Everyone is rooting for his immune system to do it's work. Health is a battle!