Thursday, April 02, 2015

Getting Weirder... Do the Opposite!

I don't know this guy, Steve Coast, from Adam. But I like his blog post, "The World Will Only Get Weirder."  I think he's right. Now I'm not sure if he's one of those radical libertarians who is against all regulation, which seems ridiculous to me, but I do think that regulations only go so far, and sometimes they can become a problem too, and solving one problem can lead to other, unforeseen problems. You know, unintended consequences. And yes, weirder, things will get weirder.  It's a good bet. 

I also like his "Contrarian" post... if everyone is watching TV. Trash your TV. If everyone is drinking beer and eating pizza, don't drink beer and eat pizza! Do the opposite! Yes, that sounds like a great way to live an interesting life. Contrarian! But Contrarians please don't bother to unite.  As a Contrarian you would then have to be Contrarian to the other Contrarians!