Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Free-Floating Spirits!

One of my more "New Age-like" friends tells me that we used to be free-floating spirits, kind of roaming the Universe, and then somewhere along the line we decided to inhabit the beings that we have become here on Earth. So we actually chose our bodies, our beings, our families.

And we are recycled, reconstituted, reincarnated over and over.

It's all some kind of grand bargain. Dealer's choice. Made with very little info. We just sort of zapped ourselves into the stream of life. I guess, on the one hand, it kind of puts the onus back on us, we can't blame anyone else for our condition. We made the choice. Go ahead live with it! And if this happens over and over, well, we get to do it all again, to work on whatever we need to work on again and again.

It's sort of appealing. And really, you can't refute any of it. I mean, you can't prove it's true, and you can't really prove it's hogwash either. Funny, that's how lots of that "New Agey" stuff works. Not sure  if I can buy any of it, but it sort of makes the life and death thing a little less singular and final.

And maybe that's a good thing. I mean, what thoughts do you want to think that will make life a little better, a little more tolerable, a little more fun... maybe those are the thoughts you want to put inside your head?