Sunday, April 05, 2015

A New Door!

Witnessing that little dog fight a couple days ago was a real clearing for me. I was so close to the violence, to the raw fear. In one flash, I was gripped in a panic. And I was helpless. This was just a little episode, not so serious, but it briefly cut me to the core.  I think I got a small glimpse of what some folks experience when something really, really traumatic occurs. I mean those disturbing events that happen all the time. 

It's almost like I got a glimpse of another reality that exists beneath everything that we know and experience. And then oddly this opened me up. I ended up strangely refreshed. There is a certain place where we are definitively and completely helpless. I guess we have to take that in too.  One moment everything seems fine, beautiful, and then something shifts, and it all falls away.

I realized it's not often that an irrational fear descends upon me, not often when have I been gripped by total panic.  It enveloped me, and then, it all evaporated. It was gone, and I could think about it and file it away, but it certainly opened a new door I didn't know was there.