Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Messy Moment

Yes, it's a messy world. We might pretend that it's more ordered, rational and logical than it is, because that's a bit more reassuring, but really it's all so messy, and we are messy too. We reflect the world we live in, we are the mirrors of the messiness.

So, yes, disordered, irrational, illogical. These too reflect our world, and our understanding of it. Sometimes you can't even trust yourself, your memories, your grand narrative. Lots of this is made up in the moment, we re-imagine the past, we conjure up a future, but these imaginings and conjurings can disappear in the blink of an eye.

We are left with the moment. The messy moment. And we try to figure out just what that moment is, and what it means. But it gets messy.