Monday, March 09, 2015

Not Everyone has the Eye

Yes, as my photography teacher once said, "the camera always lies." It can tell beautiful white lies, or it can tell dastardly black lies. It can paint a pretty picture or bring out the ugliness.

Capturing a moment, freezing it in place - right there is a major falsity. Life doesn't stop. Moments don't freeze.

Everyone has a smartphone nowadays. Every smartphone is also a camera. Everyone with a camera thinks they are a photographer. And that's a lie too. Or maybe not a lie exactly. Some people can take great photos any time, any place. They have a "good eye." They notice details and include them, or exclude them, they frame a shot, they select.

Others really are clueless. What is the opposite of having a good eye? Not having a clue. Not knowing what makes a good photo, and what really doesn't. Just clicking and shooting. It's not enough. And just because you take a photo doesn't mean you need to show it, share it. Really.