Sunday, March 01, 2015

Knocking on the Door!

Death is always knocking on your door. Always. Since the beginning. There was that "special needs" neighborhood kid that died young. It was a major knock on the door. All those pets who came and went. Speedy your little pet turtle floating around in the bird-bath, lifeless, waiting for a bird to steal his carcass away for a meal. That was a hard little knock.

Over the years, all the great and small. The big-time ones, the little common ones. All knocks on the door. Rap, rap, rap!

Lately the knocks come harder and more often. Or at least that is how it seems. No way to tune out the knocking. It's like another heartbeat that matches my own heartbeat. Kind of a shadow heart beat that follows me. Where ever I go.

Okay, I get it, the knock is music too. The knock of death. Always rapping. One of those raps is made just for me.  Yes, true. Hope to keep it on the other side of the door for a little while...