Thursday, March 12, 2015

I Love Living in Klosterman World!

I love living in Klosterman world. The world according to Chuck. It's a pretty cool place. He is a self-described "contrarian." He will explain how David Koresh and Kurt Cobain are similar, and how Cobain really is the leading figure in "guilt rock," he will tell you how ABBA is beyond irrelevant/relevant, he will show you how the NFL is both super-conservative and super-liberal, he will examine the intricacies and difficulties of time-travel, he will review the cinematic and novelistic depictions of life on the road, he will explain how the Unabomber is yes, a mad, crazy, murderer, but at the same time might be right about how technology enslaves us. Chuck is funny, surprising, brilliant, convincing, and yes, enlightening too. I love living in Klosterman world!