Monday, February 09, 2015

Where Does the Pain Go? Ancient Chinese Secret!

How does Acupunture work? I don't really know. I just know that it has worked for me. Sticking little needles in your body, how can that be good for you? Not exactly sure. 

Is it all just the placebo effect in action? I don't really know. I do know that one day I had excruciating pain, and that after a 1 1/2 hour session of acupuncture, the pain was already dissipating.

And when I say "excruciating pain," that doesn't really convey the feeling coursing through my body. Somehow I totally wrecked my knee just trudging through the snow. The pain was intense and overwhelming, actually brought tears to my eyes. I was not imagining the pain.

I was sure that I would need go to the Doctor, acquire some major painkillers and probably have to go under the knife. At least this was my thought-train during one agonizing night. And I began to imagine my active life sort of slipping away. But now, after one acupuncture session,  I am on the mend. My knee seems to be making a remarkable, totally miraculous recovery. I am a believer. I was also given some Chinese herbs (a black goop, with the look and consistency of dark chocolate) that I apply to the sore area. 

Science, Western Medicine - they look dimly on this whole approach, but all I can say is that the pain has subsided and the knee (still a bit stiff) is much, much better. I am ready to take on the day! One careful step at a time!