Friday, February 13, 2015

Inadequate Sideshows!

Human Beings. We are creative. And inventive. We have come up with some good tools to deal with the Universe. For instance, Logic and Reason. We can appear, (at least to ourselves) as pretty intelligent, and discerning.

But you know, the Universe isn't logical or reasonable. We may impose these things on the Universe - but it really is an imposition. And we aren't even completely logical or reasonable ourselves. A complete human being is also illogical, and irrational. Sometimes we bounce from one state to another, moment by moment.

And think of a Hurricane, or a black hole, or a galaxy, or evolution, or a pheasant.  Logic and reason don't seem to encompass these phenomena at all. And think of life and death. And well. Our little games of logic, our little mask of reason, seem like paltry, very inadequate sideshows...