Saturday, January 03, 2015

Bono Delivers!

The Pope usually issues his year-end encyclical. Moses had his stone tablets. Bono has written a long, remarkable year-end post: A to Z, 2014.

It is really a great read. I highly recommend it. Bono talks about his horrific bike accident, his new titanium elbow, the possibility he will never play guitar again. Also he talks Jesus, and Davos, and family, and love and music, and charity, and hope - Bono really is an amazing soul, and I am always inspired and impressed with his heart, his head and soul. And he's got a great sense of humor too!

I still haven't listened to U2's latest, the infamous spam album, but I have made a new year's resolution - I will march to my local Reckless Records Store and buy either a CD, or vinyl edition of "Songs of Innocence." I think as long as I stick to my guns, and plunk down real $ for a real copy of the album, I can give the record a real chance!

Why? Well, for one, Terry Flamm over at Broken Hearted Toy has placed it at #5 on his list of "Favorite Releases of 2014." And well, Terry knows his music, and I trust him implicitly!

BTW - I was thinking about all the joy and pleasure U2 has given me over the years. I would put some of their past albums on my all-time favorites list - I can still listen to "Unforgettable Fire" today and it always feels like the first time - yes, it's that good.  So glad Bono is still with us, and here's hoping for his speedy recovery.