Thursday, January 01, 2015

2015 is Here!

Yeah, can't really tell you why I'm a little hung up on 2015. I mean, I'm glad it's here. I'm glad I'm here. It is just a number. A way of keeping count. But really, pretty much arbitrary. Probably better to count the lines in my face, or listen to the creak of my bones, to tell me and you more about where I'm at in the world at this moment.

I have had some kind of "premonition,"  or "precognition,"  or hunch, or guess, that 2015 is a kind of "make or break" year. Or is it "break and make?" Not sure exactly what that means, it just seems like a significant marker, and that the marker represents something significant.

I plan on making lots things and breaking them too. I plan on embracing the "churn." Letting go, and embracing. Going for broke, and counting my blessings, and well, living to the best of my abilities. I hope you do too.