Monday, September 08, 2014

The Noble Honor of Being A Slob on TV!

I do not watch Network TV very often anymore. So it's rare for me to witness the barrage of commercials that are the primary point of it's existence. I mean, maybe there's a football game crammed in between all the commercials, but the amount of money, creativity and energy devoted to selling things to us, is quite impressive. I think if you see this barrage often, maybe it just sort of washes over your eyeballs, but if your eyeballs don't usually experience this kind of assault, it really does make an profound impression. And that impression is this: Advertisers have concluded that the people watching TV are total slobs, and these slobs enjoy watching people just like them - people who are slobs, happy and proud of being slobs - fat, dim & slow-witted, folks who like to sit and watch lots of TV, and who like to eat lots of really crappy food items, drink lots of really crappy beer,  and like to drive around in really big trucks. And enjoy watching themselves, or people just like themselves, looking stupid and slobbery on TV.  People watching people. Slobs watching other slobs just like them. And maybe those Advertisers are right, I'm sure they have the demographic data to back them up. To be a slob on TV seems to be a noble honor!