Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stunning & Disappointing. People.

The easy answer. Too many people. Too few resources. And what is the question? Why are things so crazy?

But then you look back at history, and it turns out things have always been crazy. People are strange. And they do strange things. They excel at hurting each other.

So much bloodshed and mayhem.  Think World War I: 16 million dead, 20 million wounded. Think World War II: Over 60 million dead.

That was the "civilized" world using their brand-new technologies on each other. 

And the wars never really end, they just morph and roll onward. 

Today there all at least 45 wars around the globe. People killing each other for any old reason you can name. Maybe people actually enjoy war? Or enjoy killing other people? You hate to think so, but we are so easily compelled to wreak pain and death on each other.

Stunning & disappointing. People.