Monday, July 28, 2014

Not. For. Every. One.

Went to the Theater yesterday to talk Theater things with Theater people. The Theater is a kind of temple. It's kind of a "holy" place. Theater things happen in there.

I was talking with the Head Theater Guy. He's kind of a Guru, or Holy Man of Theater. Sort of. You always must approach him with caution. He's a Theater Guy.  Never know what's on his mind. He can be friendly, or ornery as a Wild Dog. You never know. It's all so Theater.

Anyway we were talking about a Theater show. I asked if it was "Any good." Which in a way, is a really, really stupid question. I was super-tired. Stupid questions were all that I had in my head. The Theater Guy answered: "It's not for everyone."

Perfect. Answer. Kind of defines everything I love. And defines the Theater. And the best of Music. Movies. Etc. Not. For. Every. One.

If it was for everyone, it is most probably Pap. Crap. Of the worst, blandest, crappiest, kind. Product. Meant to move lots of units, fill lots of seats. Meant to lull your audience into a coma-like, sheep-like sleep, or into a hypnotic consumerist, dead-headed, frenzy.  

Not this place. Not this Theater. Not this Temple.