Friday, July 11, 2014

It's Easy to Get Derailed!

It's easy to get derailed. It's so easy to lose your way. It's kind of stunning how easy it really can be to get knocked off course. It can be a stray line of conversation. It can be a random comment. It can be a baseless accusation.

Maybe that's the best weapon for major derailment. A baseless accusation. Being accused of something you didn't do, or don't believe,  and never intended to do or believe. This can send you into a tailspin for two reasons: 1. You are misunderstood. 2. You realize that what you think and do can be perceived in a completely different, and maybe a totally contrary manner.

So in this way, you realize you are alone. And communication and understanding are not solid things, but subject to subtle interpretation. And sometimes the interpretations can undermine everything you think and do.
