Sunday, July 06, 2014

Based on a Glimmer!

"He doesn't believe in anything. He's an atheist. It is hard to console the inconsolable."

This came up in conversation yesterday, a friend talking about a friend.  I think it's important to believe in something.  It's helps us get along, to get by in this life.  But I think it's also important to choose your beliefs very carefully. It's best not to believe in grand things. 

You probably shouldn't believe in God. Or Country. Or Religion. Or Political Ideologies. These beliefs blind us, and cause lots of grief. For proof, just look at the history of the human experiment.

I do think you should believe in less grand things.  Things like Love, Forgiveness, Humility, Healing, Epiphany, Spiritual Enlightenment. Now you probably need to experience these things to actually believe in them. So maybe instead of believing, you should really just open yourself, to give yourself a chance to experience these things.

There are moments of transcendence in all of our lives. We just need to recognize them. And if we do recognize them, then we can have a reason to believe. And that's all you really need. All you need is something, one thing, a little thing.  A glimmer. You can base a whole life on just a glimmer.