Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Other Thing...

This really great guitar player I know, I mean, he's a wizard, a maestro with the instrument, used to play a Les Paul guitar, he was known for, and famous for, playing his Les Paul, and he has said that he always spent his time trying to get it to sound like a Stratocaster guitar.  

Now he plays a Stratocaster, he's famous for, and known for, playing his Stratocaster, and now he says he tries really hard to get it to sound like a Les Paul.  And there is a lesson there, right? You're always going for that other thing... that other sound, that other tone... that other thing in your head, that thing you want to make real, and can't quite make real...

And then also, surprisingly, unaccountably, like any great guitar player (maybe all guitar players, great or not?), he sounds always like himself, no matter the guitar, no matter the effects pedals, no matter the amplifier... and really, no matter what. Can that be true?