Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Repo Man and Morrissey... have something in common... first Repo Man: "Ordinary fucking people, I hate them..."

And here's Morrissey: Q: What are you driven by? A: Hate largely. This will sound almost unpleasant but distaste for normality. I've never really liked normal people and it's true to this day. I don't like normal situations. I get palpitations. I don't know what to do. - Morrissey (1987)

Now, I'm in the camp where I don't think anyone is really normal/ordinary. Normality/Ordinariness is a pose! We are all a little bit twisted. More twisted than we like to let on, although some of us aren't afraid to reveal a bit of the twisted-ness. And then there are those who revel in flaunting their twistedness.  Which can be hideous. Still there are those people who are posing as normal/ordinary and well yes, they are sort of distasteful. And then, alternatively, there are those exotic birds who are just different, they can't help it. Sometimes we make them stars...