Monday, March 10, 2014

The Tyranny of the 1% in Music Too!

The tyranny of the 1%.  Yes, it's true in the financial world. The big time hedge funders and financial wizards have some how been able to lord it over the rest of us.

It's true in the music world too. The Superstars, the 1%, suck out all the oxygen from the room.  It's unfair, unjust, it is a tyranny.  If you point it out it sounds like "sour grapes." 

Maybe it's the "herd animal" phenomenon.  We all buy the same records, download the same files, listen to the Superstars because everyone else is doing it too. It's easy, lazy, and well, maybe we are afraid of missing out. Maybe we are all just so easily manipulated by a saturation marketing campaign. Maybe we all just don't really know what's good or bad, only what's popular!

But let's not pretend that the Superstars are the best amongst us.  It is so not true!  It's a great time for music, but not if you are only listening to the big stars, the top sellers. Trust me. It's mostly dreck! Some of the worst of the worst. Check out this list of the top 40 records from 2013...

No way is One Direction, Robby Williams, Michael Buble, Katy Perry, etc. the "best" artists making music today. No way, not even close!