Sunday, March 30, 2014

Is the Internet a Cancer?

Have you speculated about a possible "post-internet" world? Well, David Byrne has, and it's fascinating, provocative, mind-opening. Typical Byrne. He really is an odd bird. Brilliant mind. Always thinking out of the box. 

"Would the world really be a better place without the Internet? Is a complete reset really necessary? For some, the Internet has offered endless moneymaking opportunities, but whether many of the web’s touted benefits end up reaching the majority of people is debatable. More and more, it seems that only a minority are making a fortune off what was extolled as a universally liberating technology.

It’s hard to weigh the worth of the Internet because we can’t even imagine life without it. We’ve internalized it. It’s part of us, which explains why we are exploited so easily online. Is the Internet a cancer killing us little by little or a wonderful cybernetic extension of our brains? Let’s say we wanted to rid ourselves of the cancer. Would the cure be catastrophic or would the liberation be worth it?"