Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Hype vs. The Snark

The Hype vs. The Snark. People can't help themselves. Pop/Celebrity culture brings it out in us. And it really is the worst. 

First, The Hype. 

Events, sometimes Faux-Events are built up and sold as the second coming of some God you didn't even know existed. Everything is blown out of proportion. There is no proportion. There is glitz and glamour and lots of huffing and puffing. Smoke and mirrors. Beautiful, rich, desirable and successful people stand up before the multitudes and demand to be honored just for being the great celebrities we've all decided they are. They demand our attention and envy. And we do pay attention, and we do envy them.

Then comes The Snark.

Every little thing is up for scrutiny. The snark is poisonous. And we love to do it. We rip people for daring to be old, or fat, or too thin, or phony, or too serious, or too ridiculous, or in it only for the money, or for being glory hogs, or for being awkward, or for having too much hair, or not enough hair, or coloring their hair, or altering their noses, jaws, etc. We tear these people down, with a million little poisonous cuts, those who dare to stand before us, we devour them, destroy them.

We love our celebrities. We love the machine that builds them up. And we hate these people too. And we love to destroy them. A little cut, a little bit of snark. One biting little cut at a time.