Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pussy Riot vs. the Cossacks

It's easy to decide which side to be on. You have to admire the women of Pussy Riot - that "Russian, Feminist Punk Rock Protest Group." Their calculated acts of "hooliganism" are a provocation, and a joyous shout of "freedom!" They are "tickling the Dragon's Tail." They are standing up against a little Tin-pot strong-man. He seems to have a thin skin. And he's got freaking Cossacks on the payroll.  Oh how old world!

I mean a movement of the moment vs. a stereotype from the distant past.  Time-warp!

Supposedly the Cossack is a revered figure in Russia. Sort of like the Cowboy in the US. But holy shit, talk about a figure out of time. They have their silly little outfits and their horse whips. And they beat up on women! How pathetic.

The women of Pussy Riot are a brave lot. They are risking life and limb. Not sure if Johnny Rotten or Sid Vicious or even Joe Strummer were ever that committed to any cause. Sid's greatest commitment was to his own self-destructive stupidity.

Anyway, the cameras were rolling at Sochi when Pussy Riot stopped for a visit. And then the Cossacks entered! You couldn't make this shit up! Long Live Pussy Riot!

"Putin will teach you to love the Motherland."