Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our Goose is Cooked!

Another reason I love Radiohead. Their work is fragmentary, dissociative, dark.  And these are fragmentary, dissociative and dark times. We are hurtling along, as a species, as if all is hunky dory. We are greedy, rapacious and breeding madly like fruit flies on steroids. We do not live light lightly on the land.

And we can't really change our ways - the way we rape the land, the way we use energy, the way we feed ourselves… I don't want to pass on bad news, but James Lovelock, eminent, British scientist tells us our goose is cooked. The clever monkeys have really out-foxed themselves this time. The planet has a fever, and we are the culprits. And according to Lovelock, the game is up.

We act as if everything is fine. There are even lots of us who deny there is even a problem. And we continue to harvest the planet as if it's inexhaustible. And the fragile equilibrium that has birthed an incredible ecosystem is crumbling, fraying and dying out. We have unleashed a mass extinction on earth, and really it is the humans who have fucked it all up.

Still Lovelock is not a doom-sayer, no, he's just a doom-seer, but after lots of devastation, dislocation, and thinning of the herd, he does have hope that a small band of survivors, maybe another version of human being, will finally get the message that it's best to live with nature and not in opposition to it.