Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Pork Rectums - Yum!

Happy 2014! 

I thought this story about "imitation calamari" consisting of pork rectums on "This American Life," which hasn't' aired here yet, and which I haven't heard yet, and which may be just a joke, and may not be true, but should be true, because it is so emblematic of so much of the American Way of life and of capitalism, would make a great first blog post for the new year.

I mean, we don't know what we are eating. We must trust the food industry. And time and time again the food processors have proven to be low-lifes and scoundrels, and pork butt-holes are the same shape and consistency of calamari, so you could see someone coming up with the idea of making a switcheroo.  And hell, who would know the difference?

And you have to admire the audacity of it. And also how it seems just as innovative and ethical as "credit default swaps" or "mortgage securities," or all the other imitation crap that people pass off for quality every day in the market place.

Yes. Pork assholes… perfect! Welcome to America 2014!