Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Age of Bullshit, and Bullshitters

I do think this is the Age of Bullshit. And of the Bullshit Artist.  There are whole industries devoted to churning out bullshit. And there are fortunes being made founded on the apotheosis of bullshit. It's a business model, a way of life.

There are media empires, governments, churches, multi-national corporations, book clubs, financial advisors, business savants, all dedicated to the power and glory of bullshit.  Check out Hollywood too -the dream factory of bullshit. And the music industry - the snappy pop of bullshit.

We swim in the stuff. Live it, breathe it.  It's overwhelming. And amazing too. Lots and lots of people believe their own bullshit, and the bullshit of others. It's hard not to join the herd of bullshit. It's fun. And lively, and seductive to just submit. And churn up some of your own.

Bullshit rules!