Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gibbering in the Street

"Nobody sane likes the GOP anymore." I think it's true. Harsh. But true. The whole Tea Party thing is just the crazies banding together, trying to deny reality. The country is beyond them. And they can't feature that. They are in denial, big time. And they are clinging to their vision like crazy people. You can't negotiate with crazy people. You have to tune them out. Still, there's lots of them, even if they are a minority of a minority of the population. But their craziness is sort of their strength. And they have commandeered one of our political parties. It's pathetic. And terrible. And lots of people should hang their heads in shame. They have empowered the crazies. And the crazies are just crazy. They are racists, sexists, religious bigots, nuts. There's no there, there. No point. And we can't go back, and won't go back, and their vision is actually completely mad, crazy, dead-end.   The non-crazy need to isolate these crazy creeps... walk away, leave them gibbering in the street.