Sunday, October 20, 2013

Enjoy the Music, Change the World!

Yes, earlier this week our band whitewolfsonicprincess released two digital albums to bandcamp. One is our debut CD as a band called 10+1...

And the other one is a 5-song EP of a live show recorded at a nearly 100 year old church with other-worldly acoustics... Very happy with both albums and love bandcamp. It's just a great little ecosystem for bands, every kind of music available from all over the globe. 

We are also putting a little of our idealism into action, 50% of all proceeds from our digital albums will be donated to the Earth Network's Canopy Project. Their goal is to plant 10 million trees in 5 years in impoverished communities all over the world. Stunning. Cool. We are honored to give back... Our new motto: Enjoy the Music, Change the World!