Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Don't Bogart!

Are drugs a scourge on our society? Yes. Should marijuana be legalized? Yes. Will it happen nationally in our lifetime? Ask Kevin Drum, he predicts it will be legal by around 2020. 

I'm definitely for a sober, clear-eyed existence. But some recreational mind-altering seems fine to me. I think the pharmaceutical industry is disgusting, and that the medicalization of drugs is a big problem. And I think prohibition of drugs has just made for a thriving underground market. 

Drug addiction should not be "criminalized,"but treated as a "disease." Seems simple. It would save us lots of $ and heartache, and free up lots of prison space.

It's all a long way from Country Joe and the Fish... maybe this smacks of a more innocent time... but really come on, don't Bogart that joint my friend!