Monday, September 16, 2013

So Good, Like Magic!

It's a rare and fine thing when all the pieces come together. When they do it's almost like a magic act. You are surprised, thrilled and inspired.  That's how it was for us yesterday for the matinee performance at Red Orchid Theater's production of "Simpatico."

We were lucky to score some tickets for the second to last show.  Since Michael Shannon is in the cast, it was almost guaranteed that the run would be a total sell-out. But the work is truly great, and it lives up to any pre-show hype or expectation.

I didn't realize that "Simpatico" is such a rich play. It's definitely one of Sam Shepard's best, and that's saying something, considering his amazing track record. And the play is completely, totally realized. Dazzling. Every choice from set design to sound design to casting, was absolutely perfect.

One of the best theater pieces I've ever had a chance to see. Yes, that good. And yes, Shannon was great, but so was every other cast member in the piece. Not one weak moment. Perfect. Wow.