Sunday, September 01, 2013

Jack White III Finds It!

Jack White III - his record "Blunderbuss" was not an under the radar release. It garnered lots of sales, Grammy nominations, and some controversy. White is just one of those polarizing figures in music. Some love him, some hate him. He is a supremely talented musician, with a strong conceptual sense, he seems self-possessed, confident, sensitive and he always seems like he has a little chip on his shoulder.

He can play pretty much any instrument. He has a supple and evocative voice and a very distinctive guitar style. He's been in a bunch of high profile bands - White Stripes, Raconteurs, Dead Weather and and host of other less known ones too.  "Blunderbuss" is the first record as a solo artist.  And on first listen (just listened to it a couple days ago) I came away thinking it's some kind of masterpiece. 

It's sonically expansive, heartfelt, musical, adventurous.  Recorded beautifully. With an large palette of sounds.  The more Jack stretches his musical ambition the more I like it. There is one song that sounds a little too reminiscent of the White Stripes and that song ("Sixteen Saltines") is probably the weakest one on the disc.

Piano is featured throughout the album and it just adds a whole sonic dimension that helps open up the songs. There's also mandolin, strings, pedal steel.  I love that White kind of left the "garage rock" behind. He pretty much perfected that with the White Stripes, and although he is perfectly capable of rocking out, this album seems more mature, sophisticated, and sonically engaging.

"Love Interruption" is one of the best tracks on the album. Here is White with an all female ensemble.  It's gorgeous. Also, I must say, Jack White sounds a little hurt and unhappy on this record, someone has done him wrong. And you know what? A real genuineness emerges from the wreckage and it's a good thing.  Jack White III is best when he  opens up and let's it out. For real. Highly recommended!